- Read relevant online magazines, newspapers and blogs about the sector you are interested in to keep up with the latest trends and vacancies.
- Job search websites like E4S offer job postings from multiple online recruiters and can make finding opportunities very easy. Employment4students is just one such example – set yourself up with a few other quality outfits too.
- Get yourself a job hunt buddy. Why go it alone? If two of you are looking for similar jobs in the same area, then pool your resources and cut down on research time.
- Get to know your college or university careers staff.
- Go old school for half an hour a week and have a look through your local newspaper for opportunities. Smaller local businesses often stick to more traditional methods of recruiting so never right off the power of print.
- Likewise, keep an eye on the noticeboards of local shops and supermarkets.
- Set up a dedicated email address for job applications and replies. Not only is it easier to track, but it can look more professional if your main email account has a “nickname”.
- If it looks too good to be true, then it might actually be too good to be true. Always keep an eye out for student money job scams when researching opportunities.
- University job shops, although often overlooked, are always a great first port of call for student job vacancies as recruiters know exactly the audience they’re targeting.
- Keep it in the family. When you’re on the job hunt, especially if you’re still living at home, your immediate family will often know of local opportunities. But, why not cast the net wider and tap those extended family connections (doesn’t cousin Peter’s niece’s uncle work at Asda?) In never hurts to ask after all.
- Search the e4s extensive database of student jobs and graduate jobs in your area.
- Set up an email alert from the results page of those searches so that we can keep you up to date with new opportunities.
- Widen your job search preferences. We very rarely get the exact job we’re after the very first time. Be inspirational but also realistic. No one starts out as a managing director.
- Set up Google Alerts to get notified when news relating to your job search or desired sector reaches Google News. It can save time you would otherwise spend trawling the major news sites.
- Gumtree is a bit like Marmite; you either love it or hate it. Online classifieds can be tedious if the same jobs are being posted and reposed over and over, but you do find some gems on there now and again. Especially in the casual and part time sections of the website.
- If there’s a company that you really want to work for but you haven’t seen any positions advertised, it’s always worth dropping them a call or letter with your CV to make them aware of you keenness and qualifications.
- Get your CV in front of the as many appropriate recruiters as you possibly can. You can never make too many applications so long as the recruiters are the right ones for you.
- 5.2 million people have registered their CV with CV Library to ensure they get found. It will only take up a few minutes of your time, so just do it!
- ALWAYS ensure your CV is kept up to date with contact details, education history, qualifications, key skills, work experience and interests.
- Priorities your greatest achievements on your CV.
- Don’t waffle on your CV or covering letter.
- Make sure your contact details are on the CV (sorry guys, but we do see some that lack that basic feature. Not from you of course, though!)
- Say it with numbers. Where applicable, try to quantify any results and achievements in your previous work experience. eg. I increased sales by 200% within 3 months.
- Use the occasional bullet list format rather than prose if appropriate. It can break up the rest of the text and help summaries your major achievements and top qualities.
- Ensure you are concise when constructing your CV. It is often beneficial to limit yourself to one page (two maximum) so be concise.
- Hold off on using fancy graphics on your CV. Keep it simple.
- Only include the most appropriate education details on your CV. If you’re applying for a job after college, there is no need to list your primary school.
- Check, check, check again – and the double check for spelling and grammatical mistakes.
- Update your references regularly and, if you have multiple referees, then use the most appropriate ones for each individual job application.
- Work experience, internships or placements are a fantastic way to get the proverbial foot in the door at a company to gain valuable experience and connections. You can find the latest opportunities on the e4s website.
- Take a course. Similar to work experience and internships, if you can afford to live whilst studying then an extra course is a great way to enhance your knowledge, CV and chance of securing that dream job.
- Volunteer – either in the UK or overseas. Okay, you won’t earn money – but you’ll be doing good for others and making yourself much more employable.
- Apprenticeships are becoming ever more popular with job seekers across a wide number of sectors, as the combination of excellent training, skill development and a qualification at the end of it, whilst getting paid, is an attractive proposition. Check out some options at Apprenticeships.org.
- Does a family member own their own business or have influence at one owned by someone else? See if they can sort you out with some work experience, if even for just a couple of weeks.
- Working from home is a great way to earn some money while you are still looking for a more traditional student job. It also builds up skills to add to your CV.
- Are you crafty? Make your own toys and handicrafts to sell.
- Find some online freelancing work.
- Always keep looking for new opportunities. eg: NEWS JUST IN: Good with computers? Why not help other PC users remotely with technical issues using the new Google Hangout & Remote Desktop marriage?
- Is there an entrepreneurial side to you? If you’ve a product to sell, identified a gap in the market, formulated a sound business plan and have a little finance, then why not setup an eBay shop?
- If you have a second language, why not find some online translation work?
- You’re a student, you know how tutoring works – so start tutoring other students. Read about how to find online tutoring work.
- Fill some spare time testing websites for businesses.
- Own a camera? Then here’s how to sell your photos online.
- Facebook doesn’t only have to be used for keeping up with friends and family and other students. Get the message out to all of your Facebook friends that you are in the jobs market.
- “Like” relevant recruiters’ Facebook Pages and add them to specialized Facebook Interest Lists so that they are easy to keep track of.